Today's gospel passage gives a unique perspective on the Christmas story - the perspective of Joseph. Joseph and Mary could be considered very 'ordinary people' of their time, in contrast…
One of the themes of Advent is the ministry of John the Baptist, preparing the way for the Lord. John was an unusual character, and the last of the line…
Today, I am going to speak about one of the outstanding Māori Christians from the Waikato area. Most of you already know the story of Tarore and her gospel. Wiremu…
Jesus predicts the destruction of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem and the end of the age (or apocalypse). Are we living in the 'end times'? And how can we tell…
In this incident, recorded only in Luke's Gospel, we get a glimpse of Jesus growing up with his family in Israel. This is the only story we have of Jesus…
St Francis was the 12th. century founder of the Franciscan order of monks, who sought to live a simple life dedicated to God. October 4th. this year is celebrated as…
Traditions can sometimes get in the way of our faith. In today's Gospel passage Jesus challenges the tradition of hand-washing before meals that religious Jews observed in His day -…
The Gospel passage for today's reading is known by some scholars as Jesus' Manifesto. Using the reading from the prophet Isaiah Jesus sets out the purpose and scope of his…
The church these days is often identified as a place rather than a community of faith. But the church can be both - the most important element of the church…
Today’s Gospel reading continues the record of Jesus’ teaching while he is on the way to his final destiny in Jerusalem. As I have mentioned in previous sermons, this scripture…